Internationale Referenzen

Ohm Walsh Systeme hatten von jeher ein „Problem“, das sie mit allen echten Innovationen teilen: Von Anfang an überschlugen sich renommierte Audio Tester mit Superlativen. Entsprechend schwierig ist es, in der marketingorientierten Audio-Industrie im Jahresrhythmus weitere Steigerungen zu vermelden.

Die beste Referenz sind zehntausende von Kunden weltweit, die mit OHM Walsh Systemen ihre Musik geniessen!

Stellvertretend für diese lassen wir hier einige erfahrene Audio Tester zu Wort kommen: „Sie bereiten auch dem abgebrühten HiFi Experten wieder einmal Stunden der Begeisterung“ resumierte Karl Breh, die deutsche HiFi Legende bereits 1975 in der „HiFi Stereophonie“.

…und der erste Anwender der Ohm Walsh 5000 in Europa verlieh im Januar 2009 seiner Begeisterung spontan Ausdruck per e-mail an John Steubeen:

„First of all, I have to admit, that I never heard anything like these speakers before. I strongly believe that these are the best speakers one can by for money! And I heard lots of speakers even 10 times more expensive than Yours.“

A. H., Freiburg

Auch das Fazit von Don Lindish in Sound Advice wollen wir Ihnen nicht vorenthalten:

„I receive more e-mails about speaker suggestions than any other subject. The speakers I most commonly recommend are from my own list of „giant killers,“ products that to my ears sound much better than other speakers at the same price point, as well as those that often cost considerably more. Some of them are available only factory-direct, but come with a money-back guarantee. If you have read this far, you are probably wondering… what are these „giant killers,“ my top recommendations?“

Ohm Acoustics Walsh series!

These are what I have in my home theater, my living room and my bedroom. Using them myself is about the best endorsement I can give! Read more at: Don Lindich’s Sound Advice Blog complete review here.“

Auch John Steubeen, Chefenwickler und Eigentümer der Ohm Acoustics Corporation, soll hier Gelegenheit bekommen seine Walsh 5-S3, den amerikanischen Bruder der AE 5000, zu kommentieren:

„The Walsh 5-S3 is the best speaker we have ever built. It has adjustments to match any size room, room placement, room character and your taste.

Music sounds like music-not speakers. On good recordings, the music will sound better than the „live“ performance if „live“ is played through a PA system. Only pure acoustic performances surpass the sound from Walshs.

The first consumer review of them said, „The W5-S3s are an achievement in superlative sound reproduction. With their gorgeous airy top, their palpable you-are-there breathing pulsing midrange, to a bass that is otherworldly in power, extension and vise-like control, their amazing disappearing act within the huge soundstage they project, I would stack them against any loudspeaker available today at any price.“


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