Hier finden Sie Musik, die uns gefällt, und keineswegs solche, die nur besonders gut aufgenommen ist oder durch besondere Effekte auffällt.
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Sie haben Interesse an einem Vergleichstest?
Titel/Album | Interpret | |
Live and Improvised 1969 | Blood Sweat & Tears | |
Buena Vista Social Club | Buena Vista Social Club | |
All for You | Diana Krall | |
Koeln Concert | Keith Jarret | |
Cole Porter Songbook Vol II | Ella Fitzgerald | |
So | Peter Gabriel | |
We get Requests | Oscar Peterson | |
Walk on the wild Side (Transformer) | Lou Reed | |
Friday Night in San Francisco | Al di Miola, John Mc Laughlin, Paco de Lucia | |
Ein Sommernachtstraum | Kurt Masur | |
Live in San Francisco | Tower of Power | |
Julsang | Marianne Mellnas | |
Tiden Bara Gar | Therese Juel | |
Rhapsody in Blue | Cincinnati Orchestra | |
Crime of the Century | Supertramp | |
Genug ist nicht genug | Konstantin Wecker | |
Küssen Verboten- A capella Album | Die Prinzen | |
The Joshua Tree | U 2 | |
Epitaph | Charles Mingus | |
Pocket Full of Kryptonite | Spin Doctors | |
1812-Telarc | Tschaikowsky | |
Sketches of Spain | Miles Davis | |
Introducing the Hardline according to | Terence Trent D`Arby | |
The Kick inside | Kate Bush | |
Red Card | Streetwalkers | |
Wild Flowers | Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers | |
Teaser & the Firecat | Cat Stevens | |
Stadium Arcadium | Red Hot Chilli Peppers | |
The Trick of the Tail | Genesis | |
Dark side of the Moon | Pink Floyd | |
The long black Veill | Chieftains | |
Tales and Mystery of Imagination | Alan Parsons`Project | |
As Time goes By | Bryan Ferry |
Titel/Album | Interpret |
Cafe Atlantico | Cesaria Evora |
Just One Night | Eric Clapton |
85555 | Spliff |
The Final Recordings | Cash |
Fly Like an Eagle | Steve Miller Band |
debut | Bjork |
Bach/Goldberg Variationen | Glenn Gould |
ZU & | Zucchero |
Sounds of Silence | Simon & Garfunkel |
Too late to stop Now | Van Morrison |
Picture Book | Simply Red |
Wish You were here | Pink Floyd |
Nina Hagen Band 1978 | Nina Hagen Band |
then and now-remastered | steely dan |
best 1991-2004 | Seal |
The dream of the blue turtles | Sting |
Live in San Francisco | Tower of Power |
Don`t call me buckwheat | Garland Jeffreys |
X&Y | Coldplay |
Bach, Silbermannorgel in Dresden | Herbert Tachezi |
The Nightfly | Doald Fagen |
Dire Straits | Dire Straits |
Aion | Dead can dance |
Construction Time Again | Depeche Mode |
Mozart Requiem | Wiener Philharmoniker Herbert von Karajan |
At the Olympia | Ray Charles |
Cab Calloway stands in for the moon | Conjure |
Night moves | Bob Seger |
God shuffled his feet | Crash Test Dummies |
I`m Real | James Brown |
Esther | Patti Smith Group |
Bocelli | ocelli |
Rumours | Fleetwood Mac |
Die Tänzerin | Ulla Meinecke |